Youtube Madness Month
I’m trying something a little different recently.
For the month of August, I am shooting for one youtube video a day.
Yup, one video a day.
It’s nuts, I know.
But I enjoy doing them, maybe you’ll enjoy watching them. I’m also trying to keep them at 5 minutes and under as well. So you don’t get tired of hearing me ramble.
If I want to cover a topic I think will be a bit more in-depth, I’ll break it up into multiple videos so it’s easier to digest.
So far this week, I have put up the following videos!
After the month of August is up, I’ll probably go back to a weekly update, but I’ll try to keep them short still.
There will still be regular non-video blog content starting next week, but I’m really enjoying the video format and I get to have some fun with it.
I have a list of topics I want to cover, but if there is anything you want me to talk about, just let me know, feel free to contact me via twitter or leave message on this post or a youtube vid!