It's that time of year!
First of all, sorry.
It’s been quiet around here, but for good reason.
I got shit to do.
I know, that’s no excuse. You should see how much work some of the others around here are doing. Now, they really got shit to do.
First off, I did a lot of work recently to put together a new application for the ArcGIS Example Apps page. The application is a Maps App JavaScript that showcases lots of really cool features. You can read more about it on this Esri blog post.
If you are unaware, the 2018 Esri Developer Summit is next week!
There are slides to prepare, demos to finish! Practicing to do and much more!
There’s a really cool blog post on the Esri blog that lays out all the different JavaScript sessions and organizes them into different levels. I definitely recommend it to help you put your agenda together.
And yes, I’m mostly a web dev guy, but there is some cool ArcGIS Runtime stuff going on and there is a page on that too! I have an urge to up my Kotlin game!
Almost immediately after Dev Summit is over, a bunch of us are flying out to the debut of a new TypeScript conference, TSConf!
I’m really excited about this one. First off, it’s the first TSConf, with a great lineup of speakers. Second, it’s my first time in Seattle. I’ve historically not been a very good flyer, but I think I’ve improved greatly this past couple of years, so it should be a fun time and opportunity to learn a lot. I’ll post a blog about when I get back!
The following week, I’ll in Washingto DC for a day to present at DevSummit DC! I went to this last year and it was definitely interesting. It’s only one day, and a lot of information is condenssed. I’ll be presenting all day, in every block, it’s kind of a marathon! I dig it in a self-torture kind of way. Only downside is I’m not really available for questions much during the day, but I think there is an opportunity for attendees to ask us questions at the end of the day. I’m looking forward to it!