Feature Widget Fun
There’s an interesting widget in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript that you may not be too familiar with. That is the Feature widget. What makes the Feature widget so interesting it that it can let you access the content of your Popups to graphics without having to really touch the Popup.
A popular use case is that someone may want to display the content of the Popup outside the Popup itself, maybe a side panel or in a small window when a user mouses over the map. There are some DOM tricks you could do to grab the content of a Popup and you could try to get all creative and hacky about it… or you could use the Feaute widget to make your life easier.
For my use case, maybe I want to display some information about a graphic as I hover my mouse over the map. I don’t need it to be too fancy, just the information I would normally see in the Popup content itself.
First off, let me create a dummy graphic for the Feature widget, I’m not even going to display it on the map.
const graphic = {
geometry: view.center,
popupTemplate: {
title: "what",
content: "Mouse over features to show details..."
const feature = new Feature({
graphic, view
view.ui.add(feature, "top-right");
This dummy graphic will contain instructions for my users on how to use my simple little application.
The next step is going to be to listen for the pointer-move
event of my view, and the perform a hitTest
on the view to find my graphic. Once I have my graphic, I can update the Feature widget with it.
view.on("pointer-move", event => {
view.hitTest(event).then(({ results }) => {
const result = results[0];
if (result) {
feature.graphic = result.graphic;
else {
feature.graphic = graphic;
At this point, I can move my mouse around my map and the Feature widget will update with the contents of the PopupTemplate that is defined for that graphic. But let me take this one step further, and use the LayerViews highlight method to highlight the graphic on the map.
view.whenLayerView(fLayer).then(layerView => {
let highlight;
view.on("pointer-move", event => {
view.hitTest(event).then(({ results }) => {
const result = results[0];
highlight && highlight.remove();
if (result) {
feature.graphic = result.graphic;
highlight = layerView.highlight(result.graphic);
else {
feature.graphic = graphic;
Now that is an application.
You can see the full demo in action here.
There you have it, you can take advantage of displaying Popup content however you want in your application without having to rely on the Popup itself!
Happy geohacking!