Esri UC 2017
It’s Esri UC week. I’m doing a few presentations, if you’re interested I recommend you check them out.
The UC is a great conference, a chance to learn all the new stuff in the ArcGIS platform and apps and tools that are available. There is a lot that happens at UC, from industry folks getting together, to lots of education people talking about teaching spatial. Business partners and startups network and share ideas. Best of all, users get to share the work they’ve been doing in user presentations.
It’s not really developer heavy, but we have the Developer Summits for that.
It’s cool, I still enjoy UC even if I don’t get to geek out as much as I would for DevSummit.
This is my third UC as an Esri employee, and I can’t recommend the expo area enough. You have access to developers and product owners on the floor, open to answer any questions you might have.
I got to talk to a couple of student assistants at UC. I didn’t even know they had this program, it’s pretty damn cool. Helping students and education, that stuff matters.
At DevSummit, we get to geek out on details with lots more users. At UC, we may be helping out a dev or maybe a manager, but either way we love talking about what we work on and seeing how people are using the platform to do cool shit.
The thing about UC is that employees are there to help you in any way they can. We’re excited to talk to you about all the stuff we work on! Help us to help make you a badass at what you do!
I was there Sunday to talk shop with some folks. It was awesome, I got to talk about the cool shit the JavaScript team works on and some awesome new features.
I like working on cool shit, I love solving problems, taking a challenge. Hit me up if you see me. Let’s try to figure out what you need and how we can help.
So come on by, the whole team is excited to help you. We’re there to make you awesome!