ArcGIS JSAPI 4.0 Resources
I’ve talked about it for months, guided you through betas and dug deep into new features, and today the ArcGIS JavaScript API 4.0 was released.
There’s a really extensive blog post on the Esri blogs that you should go read for more information, it’s packed full of really good stuff.
I wanted to talk a little bit about some of the new resources out with this release.
First of all, if you didn’t notice, the documentation has been totally revamped. Check out the reference page to sample the new search capabilities. That search is fast.
Not only the reference, but the guide is extremely extensive. You can view the What’s New section to see how detailed it is. There is a Working with the API section that covers tons of material, even how to use Bower and PhoneGap.
You should really start digging around the samples page. There are a lot of samples with this release. I mean a lot. And the search on this page is just as fast as the rest of the documentation.
These aren’t just simple samples either. Check out some of the 3D Visualization samples or if you want to get deep with WebGL, you can extend 3D with it, now that’s serious.
You will get a lot of really great information out of perusing the samples and seeing what you can do with 4.0!
Other Resources
Now let’s diverge from the documentation a little bit.
The jsapi-resources has been reorganized to accommodate both 3.x and 4.x resources. The README has even been updated to provide easier navigation to resources. If you want to see a couple of samples on using the JSAPI 4.0 Bower release, you can check them out here. There isn’t too much difference in the build process for 3.x, but you can build a full 3D application with stars and all the 3D goodness that comes with it into about a 2MB JavaScript file. For the capabilities you get with it, that’s a pretty good size.
One of the other additions people have been asking for with the ArcGIS JS API 4.0 betas has been TypeScript definition files, and that has landed with the release of 4.0.
If you are using TypeScript, I’m going to guess that you know how to use these. Here’s a simple gist using JSAPI 4.0 in TypeScript with React.
These are just some of the resources you can find for 4.0 documentation and github.
There is a Discover the Next-Generation ArcGIS API 4 for JavaScript live training seminar next week you may also want to check out to dig in further!
Happy hacking!